Sunday, 10 June 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to do one of these, with work being a bit hectic towards the end of term. However, I have just had a week's holiday so my camera has been working overtime!
Here goes...

1. Travel

One of the places I travelled to this week was Barcelona. I absolutely loved Antoni Gaudi's amazing architecture. This is his Parc Guell. 

2. Silly

Another shot taken while we were in Barcelona - this is my partner Ben making silly jokes with his colleagues and friends. 

3. Black and White

This little pup - Dexter - lived where we stayed this week in Pembrokeshire. A gorgeous black and white springer spaniel. 

4. Spots

In case this shot needs explanation, I interpreted the 'spots' as spotlights. I liked how the different coloured lights created an interesting background to the drummer here. 

5. Paper

Mmm, camembert baked in paper...I so want to eat this again. 

So there you have it - another Scavenger Hunt Sunday! Do hop on over to see some of the other entries at Ashley Sisk's Ramblings and Photos.


  1. Love the picture of Barcelona! Gorgeous! Love spots too!

  2. Great shots - love Travel!

  3. These are all great - but when you hit on camembert - oh my! Well done.

  4. Barcelona is so beautiful My son and DIL will travel there in a few weeks. the last shot makes my mouth water!

  5. Very nice set. I like the Travel Shot (such a different perspective) and that Paper shot looks pretty yummy.

  6. These are great. Loved the perspective of your Travel Shot and that last shot for paper, looks so yummy.

  7. Great set - love the colors in your first shot and the perspective on black and white.
